7 fabulous Herbal Remedies To Treat Acne

7 fabulous Herbal Remedies To Treat Acne

Did you know that between the ages of 11 and 30, approximately 95% of people develop acne? This condition occurs when your skin's pores become clogged by dead cells and oil. Pimples most commonly appear on the face, but they can also appear on the chest, back, or shoulders.


Depending on the severity of your condition, you may receive


Blackheads (open clogged pores), Whiteheads (closed clogged pores), Papules (reddish, tender bumps), Pustules (pus tipped papules), Nodules (painful solid bumps under the skin), or Cysts (pus filled bumps which are painful).


Causes and Triggers of Acne

Hair grows from small pores in our skin called hair follicles. They are connected to sebaceous glands, which produce sebum or oil to lubricate hair and skin. Excess sebum, on the other hand, can combine with dead skin cells and clog hair follicles. This results in the formation of whiteheads or blackheads. Clogged pores can also become infected with bacteria that live on your skin, causing inflammation and the formation of nodules, pustules, cysts, or papules. Acne is caused by excessive sebum production, clogged hair follicles, inflammation, and bacteria. Other factors, however, can increase your chances of developing this condition:


1. Molecular biology

It has been discovered that your family history influences whether or not you get acne. Acne development, according to experts, is influenced by genetics. This is also true for adult acne; if either or both of your parents had it, you are more likely to develop it.


2. Hormonal shifts

Acne is influenced by hormones. This hormone has the ability to stimulate your glands to produce more sebum. Hormonal fluctuations during periods or pregnancy can also cause outbreaks. Acne has also been linked to polycystic ovary syndrome, a hormonal disorder.


3. Some medications

Some medications, such as lithium and steroids, have been linked to acne flare-ups. Certain medications used to treat epilepsy can also do this. Consult your doctor to determine whether any medications you are taking can cause acne outbreaks.


Stress, humidity, pollution, and pressure on your skin from tight clothes, backpacks, helmets, and so on can all aggravate acne. Picking at pimples or vigorously scrubbing your skin can also aggravate this condition.

The Best Diet for Acne Treatment


According to some research, your diet may also have an impact on acne. A low-glycemic diet, in particular, has been found to be beneficial in the treatment of this condition. The glycemic index assigns a number to foods that indicates how they affect blood sugar levels. A low glycemic diet includes foods that will not significantly raise your blood sugar levels. Because they have a low glycemic index, foods like raw carrots, chickpeas, kidney beans, green vegetables, and fruits fall into this category. Acne can also be helped by increasing your intake of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids through the consumption of healthy oils and fish. Meanwhile, whey proteins found in milk may contribute to acne development. So eating a healthy diet can assist you in avoiding zits.


7 Herbal Remedies To Treat Acne


While doctor can prescribe medications to treat acne, here are some natural acne treatments.


1. Manjistha

Ayurvedic practitioners value manjistha for its ability to treat skin diseases. According to research, it may have effective against acne. According to research, it is antibacterial and acts against the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes, which is involved in the formation of pimples. It has anti-inflammatory, making it useful in reducing acne-related inflammation. Furthermore, this potent herb may aid in the removal of acne-related dark spots and hyperpigmentation. This is because acne spots are caused by an excess or irregular distribution of a pigment called melanin. And manjistha has the ability to inhibit the enzyme tyrosinase, which is involved in the production of this pigment.


How to Apply

  • Make a face mask with honey and Manjistha dry root and stem powder to help reduce acne dark spots. Because honey has anti-acne and anti-pigmentation properties, this is an excellent combination.

  • After 10-15 minutes, wash it off with water.



  • Always perform a test before applying to the affected area to rule out allergies. If you are allergic, you may experience skin reddening or blistering when you apply the product. It is impportant to note that a reaction can take 2 to 4 days to appear.

  • Before attempting new treatments or remedies, always consult your dermatologist


2. Neem

Neem has long been prized for its numerous medicinal properties. It has also been shown to be effective in the treatment of acne. According to one study, neem extract was effective in inhibiting Propionibacterium acne, which plays a role in the development of pimples.


How to Apply

  • Make a mask by crushing some neem leaves and mixing in some turmeric powder. Turmeric has anti-acne properties as well.

  • Allow this paste to dry on your pimples before washing it away.



  • Always perform test before applying to the affected area to rule out allergies.

  • Applying turmeric to inflamed acne may aggravate the condition.

  • Before attempting new treatments or remedies, always consult your dermatologist.


3. Tea tree essential oil

Tea tree oil, extracted from the leaves of the tea tree, is an ancient remedy for acne all the way from Australia. It has long been used by Aboriginal Australians to treat skin infections. According to research, it is effective against bacteria that cause acne. The antibacterial properties of this essential oil are attributed to beneficial compounds such as -pinene, terpene-4-ol, and -terpene.


How to Apply

  • Before applying tea tree oil to the skin, dilute it with a carrier oil (olive, coconut, or almond). Sixteen drops of tea tree essential oil in 10 ml of carrier oil. Rosehip or argan oil works well as carrier oils for dry skin; jojoba oil works well for oily skin, and grapeseed oil is great for combination skin. This also functions well as a moisturizer and can be used on a daily basis.

  • To make an acne-fighting toner, mix ten drops of tea tree oil with 25 ml of rose water.



  • Always perform test before applying to the affected area to rule out allergies.

  • Avoid touching your eyes.

  • Before attempting new treatments or remedies, always consult your dermatologist.


4. witch hazel

Witch hazel, which contains tannins, is another herbal remedy used to treat pimples. 


How to Apply

  • In one cup of hot water, steep 5-10 grams of witch hazel bark.

  • Strain it and apply it to the affected areas. This incredible herb with anti-inflammatory and astringent properties can be used on a daily basis.



  • Always perform a test before applying to the affected area to rule out allergy.

  • Always consult your dermatologist before attempting new treatments or remedies.


5. Calendula

Acne can also be treated with calendula or pot marigold. It is antibacterial and has the ability to inhibit Propionibacterium acnes. Its anti-inflammatory properties make it especially useful in treating those vexing zits. It is thought to have anti-inflammatory properties by inhibiting enzymes (Cox-2) and proteins (proinflammatory cytokines) involved in inflammation.


How to Apply

  • Make a face wash with 1/2 teaspoon calendula oil, one tablespoon rose water, and two tablespoons honey, and use it daily. The anti-acne properties of calendula and honey are combined in this wash.



  • Always perform a test before applying to the affected area to rule out allergies.

  • Before attempting new treatments or remedies, always consult your dermatologist.


6. Green Tea 

We've all heard about green tea's incredible health benefits. But did you know it also help with acne and oily skin? According to one study, using a lotion containing green tea twice a day for six weeks reduced pimples by 58.33 percent. Another study discovered that using green tea for 15 days resulted in a 27% reduction in sebum. Green tea accomplishes this by inhibiting 5-reductase, an enzyme that stimulates sebum production by acting on your hormones.


Green tea has antimicrobial and antioxidant properties that contribute to its anti-acne properties.


How to Apply

Make some green tea and massage it into the affected areas. To get rid of pimples, drink green tea twice a day.



  • Always perform a test before applying to the affected area to rule out allergy.

  • Always consult your dermatologist before attempting new treatments or remedies.


7. Chamomile

Chamomile is another herb that is effective against acne-causing bacteria. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and has been used traditionally to treat skin inflammation.


How to Apply

Steep chamomile in hot water, strain the tea and dab it on acne-prone areas. Chamomile soothes the skin and can be used on a daily basis.



  • Before applying to the affected area, always perform a patch test to rule out allergies.

  • Before attempting any new treatments or remedies, always consult your dermatologist.

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